Hi Friends,
Let’s start at the beginning. The reason we can have, enjoy and share the Abundant Life is simply because God loves us. It is from this Love that everything else that is good and holy stems, including Everlasting Life. Listen…
I started by confessing to you that I still have hard days…I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t. The truth is life is hard…but apart from God, apart from knowing Who He is and receiving His Love, life is impossible. But praise God that He is in the business of …
The rest of the New Testament: God the Holy Spirit, pouring out His Power on humans so we can live the righteous life. God continues to reveal Himself to us by…
New Testament Gospels: God the Son pours out His Life for creation, revealing Himself to humans by being raised up on the Cross and paying the sin debt we humans could never pay. God gives us…
Old Testament: God the Father pouring down His Love on creation, revealing Himself to humans by raising a nation that is supposed to introduce the invisible God in visible ways to the rest of the world. God gives…
Read your Bible. The entire Bible! While the New Testament is lovely…we do not know how good the Good News is until we understand how bad the bad news is! We must be willing to admit…
I’m challenging everyone I come into contact with this year to read your Bible! It is a simple commitment we can make to our God Who has committed everything so we could be …