Here’s one last behavior that I am adding to this list which coincides with discipline: the Habit of Being Organized. When we purposely make a home for every item we have, we alleviate all sorts of…
This last behavior from Mrs Meyer is a huge one. As a matter of fact, we cannot develop any of the other habits apart from this one. We can spend the rest of our lives talking about it, and should spend the rest of our lives developing it, so I will…
The next behavior Mrs Meyer talks about is one that will, not only display our New Identity in Christ, but also lead us further into the Abundant Life this New Identity offers. She calls it the Habit of…
Let’s move on to the next behavior which Mrs Meyer calls the Confidence Habit. This kind of goes hand in hand with what we talked about yesterday, right? The issue though is in WHO we are placing our confidence in. If we place…
We could probably spend years talking about the next behavior Mrs Meyer points us toward. She calls it the Emotional Habit. This can encompass everything from depression and anxiety to reasoning and anger. Yet the one emotion many of us can…
The hurry habit steals our peace, kills our joy and destroys our witness. That’s the enemy’s agenda, every day, all day long! (see Jn 10:10) Ahhhh, but Jesus came that we may have life, and have it to the full! That means…
One of the replies that many people too often give to the question, “How are you?” is simply, “I’m so busy.” But here’s the truth about that, God never…