Being generous with our time, talents and treasures is definitely a way to reveal God to this hurting and needy world. As I said yesterday, generosity is not only about money, although some times it can involve this avenue. I can still remember a time when I failed …
The next behavior we must focus our attention and efforts towards creating, with the help of the Holy Spirit, of course, is another one which clearly reveals the gracious Character of God. For God…
Seeking this habit of being responsible means no more excuses. Mrs Meyer says that excuses are just lies we tell ourselves that keep us in bondage to those bad habits, instead of being set free. Furthermore, she tells us to not allow…
We are talking about making good habits that will crowd out the bad ones in our lives. This starts, though, with admitting we have some bad habits, doesn’t it? You see, we cannot begin a…
Booker T. Washington said, “Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.” (p109) So, we all must live our lives, but it is HOW we choose to live them that makes all the difference. And to be God’s means we are…
As we pursue this habit of Excellence, the simplest way to do so is by giving God your whole heart. This means doing all we can to connect with Him, to meditate on His Word and to…
This week, we will focus on the behaviors that build our character as Mrs Meyer talks about some more habits that can reveal God’s Nature through us. This first one is probably not a habit many people would give much thought to, yet it is an…