Mrs Meyer points us to Galatians 5:16 Amplified version, which is a powerful concept. It says, “But I say, walk habitually in the [Holy] Spirit [seek Him and be responsive to His guidance], and then you will certainly not carry out the desire of the sinful nature [which responds impulsively without regard for God and His precepts].” (Gal 5:16 AMP) This is usually what I call…
Mrs Meyer continues giving us the “Anatomy of Habits,” by explaining that every habit is formed through repetition. When we do something long enough, whether good or bad, it becomes part of…
The second thing Mrs Meyer emphasizes is that, where we place our focus, can either help us or hurt us. If we focus on trying to get rid of our bad habits, and we all have them, then…
The first thing Mrs Meyer reminds us is that we must expect God to bring about changes, because if we do not believe He will, then He…
The first thing I want to say as we dig into the mechanics behind habits and how they can help or hurt us, is that we are not talking about…
This month we will celebrate Mother’s Day. One of the talents God has given many moms is the ability to take care of life’s problems in practical ways. Whether this is…
As per my usual, I have added a whole lot of my own life, my own experience and the insight from my own journey with the Holy Spirit to the topic of this powerful book. I do hope these…