Hi Friends,
The way we choose to view life will directly determine the quality of our lives. Hear this amazing verse:
“And Elisha prayed, ‘Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” 2Ki 6:17 NIV
Pride is the root of all evil. And one way it leads us to evil is by blinding us to truth. It causes us to believe we know it all. It fools us into claiming we have all the answers. It deludes us into thinking we see everything there is to see. But here is a truth we rarely think about: what we see with our human eyes, is not all there is to see. We know that even the color spectrum is so limited, yet when we read verses like the one above, we scoff. This is Pride and it keeps our perspective so very small.
We see so little. Because our vision is so small, there is so much we cannot understand this side of Heaven. But what if we were to admit this reality? What if we confessed, and even embraced, our limitations? What if we chose to seek the One Who created all that is seen and unseen? Then perhaps we would trust Him with what little we do see…and praise Him for what is unseen. Perhaps He would even open our eyes so we would know His Army still fights for us. But if Pride keeps us blind, how can we take this step? How can we see that which is unseeable?
Humility is the cure for all evil. The Way humility leads us towards the Abundant Life is by gently reminding us of our limitations. It helps us believe there is so much we yet do not know. It reveals hidden and creative solutions to problems of which we had no answers. It exposes us to realities beyond our sight, beyond our understanding, beyond our world. Humility expands our vision, opens up our hearts and empowers us to love the way God Loves. This is humility and it opens our eyes to great and mighty things.
Lord, open my eyes. When God fully and eternally opens our eyes, oh the wonders He will show us…in the meantime, we humbly choose to trust Him. It is faith that helps us see that which cannot be seen with the human eye. As we humble ourselves and choose to trust the Lord, He opens our eyes to endless possibilities. We begin to not only say, but actually act like there is nothing impossible for God. This is when Heaven meets earth in such a real way. We see miracles happen all around us because miracles do happen all around us. Perhaps our eyes will not see hills full of majestic horses, but they might see a 90 year old woman go through colon cancer, surgery and recovery as if she just had a simple bruise. Perhaps we will not see chariots of fire, but how about a young girl surviving years of “mysterious” health issues that no medical professional thought she could? Or perhaps we will not see the Face of God, but we will certainly see His hand in the minute details of our lives. My Faith has opened my eyes to all these and so, so much more. God continues to widen my vision and every time I let go of what “I know,” and just trust Him, how increasingly amazing my life becomes. Would you like that? Then won’t you join me?
Until we meet again, keep lifting your eyes to God, He’s closer than you think.
<>< Peace, Diane