3 Things To Do

Our physical health can definitely start in our soul, so we need to pay attention to what we are thinking, feeling and choosing. Here’s three things we can do to allow God into our lives deeper, so that He can influence our soul further, and so we can get healthier and healthier.

1- Come: connect with God. We can come to God and unburden ourselves. Whatever we are thinking and feeling, God already knows, so just share it with Him. The more we come to God and get rid of any unhealthy thing within, the more room we will have to fill ourselves with the good thoughts and emotions that will lead us towards better health.

2- Stay: learn how to think, feel and choose what is best. The more we sit with God in prayer, the more we read and study His Word, the more we will know the right things to think, feel and choose and the healthier we can become. Jesus is our Teacher Who desires us to have, enjoy and share the Abundant Life, so learn from Him.

3- Abide: remain with Him and reflect His Nature, not ours. Begin to live by the Fruit of the Spirit, displaying His love, peace joy, patience and so on. This is when we truly become His ambassadors, showing the world His Love, by being His hands and feet.

Come, stay and abide coincide with our trinity. When we come and connect with God, this is a spirit-to-Holy Spirit thing. He reminds us of who and Whose we are, that we are saved and free from the power of sin. When we stay, it’s a soul thing because we learn to think like Him, control our emotions like Him and want His Will over our own, more and more. Then abide is a body thing where we simply live out our Salvation by displaying His Wisdom, Grace and Love. 

Come, stay and abide is how we are transformed into the Image of Christ, so we can have the Abundant Life we were always created to have. And the more we follow these three things to do, the healthier we will become in spirit, soul and body too. 

<>< Peace, Diane