30 Different God Ingredients Per Week

Fiber is so very important for our health. It not only keeps our digestive tract on track, but it also can help us maintain a healthy weight, regulate our blood sugar, prevent heart disease and keep certain cancers away, among other things. The best way to get both soluble and insoluble fiber in our diets is from fruits and vegetables. And the more diverse amounts of these we eat, the more broad spectrum of beneficial ingredients we will take in, including fiber.

The tip for today is to try to eat at least 30 different God made fruits, veggies and herbs throughout the week. For someone like me who is not a veggie fan, when I first heard this challenge, I thought there was no way I could do that. But then I heard a doctor put it this way: let’s say you are eating tomato sauce with your meal, that is one, but what if you add onions, mushrooms, carrots, and basil to the sauce? Now you have added another four varieties towards your goal! So it is actually simpler than I first thought and it helps me be more mindful, as well as get creative, in what I consume. For instance, when I make my shakes, instead of just the spinach I used to add, now I throw in some shredded Brussel sprouts, kale or any other “green” I have on hand. I also toss in different berries and fruits, like blueberries, strawberries, cherries, and apples. All these add to this great goal of 30 different God ingredients per week.

Each fruits and veggies, herbs and spices all have different beneficial ingredients for our health and when we combine all sorts of different ones weekly, we will be on the road to better health in no time!

Today’s tip: eating at least 30 different God made ingredients like fruits, veggies, herbs and spices per week, will help you move towards a healthier you

<>< Peace, Diane