Hi Friends,
Living a life reacting to every single thing that happens is one of the major reasons why we do not have the life filled to the overflow with relaxation that we truly desire. So what causes us to react? Could it be that we just might think a bit too highly about ourselves? Could it be that we truly think our way is the best way? Could it be that we are not really secure in the Love of God? Let’s talk about it, shall we? First, listen to what God had Peter write:
“Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” 1Pe 5:7 ESV
Casting our cares. If anyone had a reason to be anxious, it certainly was Peter! Being one of the leaders of this “new religion” came with many enemies. The Jews hated him because it seemed like he was throwing away centuries of God mandated rituals. Gentiles were weary of him because he was a Jew who never interacted with their kind. And the Romans? Well, they just wanted to have control over everything, which was impossible with these new Christians whom Jesus had set free. And yet here we listen to how Peter was able to relax in the midst of all the challenges. He simply cast his cares…that is, he did not react to all the challenges, but responded with love and compassion, as well as a confident determination, instead. Peter knew he was secure in the Love of God because God cared for him, and so, he did not need to react. He simply needed to trust God. When we choose to follow this powerful wisdom, we too can learn to respond to life, instead of reacting.
Reacting vs responding. So what’s the difference? I like to describe reacting as that “yucky stuff” that naturally flows out of us when life does not go our way. When someone says something we think is mean, we react by being mean to them too. When we don’t get that promotion we wanted so badly, we react by not working to our full capacity, by speaking ill about the person who got the promotion, or maybe even by quitting our job on the spot. You get what I’m talking about, right? It is that automatic MMI, knee-jerk reaction that we often regret later on. It is that, “I didn’t get my way so I’m not going to cooperate” mentality. It is that “my way is the best so I won’t tolerate anything less” way of thinking. It is that “God is not listening and just doesn’t care” lies that we allow to creep into our hearts and minds. This is not only destructive, it can be deadly. And it all has one common foundation and one common result. Do you know what they are?
We react because of Pride. I say it all the time and here it is again: Pride is the root of all evil. It is Pride that makes us think a bit too highly of ourselves, thinking our way is really not only the best way but the only way, that makes us question God’s Love and faithfulness towards His children. Pride puts the focus on ME and when ME is not at the center of it all, when ME doesn’t get my way, when ME is offended or passed over or fill in the blank, we react. All that self-centered ugliness comes up and out of us, and any problem we may be experiencing, just gets worse. The result is death. Maybe not physical death, although that might happen, but certainly soulful and spiritual death. We think horrible negative thoughts that cause us to feel depressed or angry or bitter, which then make us want to do something wrong, instead of seeking God and trusting Him to make things right. Pride keeps us away from God and puts its focus on ME…this separation from our Lord just leads to falling further into a dark, lonely and cold pit. Pride is why we react and the result is always death…but praise God, He has given us another choice!
We respond as we transform. The more we grow in Christ, the more we will imitate Him instead of our old, sinful, MMI nature. We will become more and more humble like Jesus. Humility will stop our reactions and inspire our responses instead. Responding is doing what Jesus would do, instead of following Pride. A quick example is, when someone yells at you, you won’t automatically yell back. You will think about what they are saying. You will try to understand where they are coming from. You might even ask God if they are right to yell at you. (Wow, imagine that!) And you will treat that other person with love and respect, compassion and understanding, grace and mercy instead. You will not be adding to any problems, but you will be seeking the solution instead. Seeing how you can bring a resolution, how you can make things right if you did do something wrong, how you can bless the other person. Do you see where the focus is now? It is on God and others, not ME…and that is true Life, my Friends. When we can be more concerned about bringing a solution to the issue, when we seek to bring glory to God instead of defending ourselves, when we can act like the children of God we are becoming…then a life filled to the overflow with relaxation becomes real to us, no matter what is going on. Reacting is worrying about everything and I am done with that…lets talk more about that next week. For now, pay attention to whether you are reacting or responding and see how that changes the quality of your life. As I continue to pay attention to this and, the more I respond instead of reacting, the more I experience this sweet life of relaxation. It is only by God’s Grace that I can do this and I refuse to live any other way. How about you? Then won’t you join me?
Until we meet again, keep lifting your eyes to God, He’s closer than you think.
<>< Peace, Diane