6-28-21 Health Seekers: 10 Ways to Have a Peaceful Environment

Hi Friends,

     Our home should be the most peaceful place we inhabit, second only to our inner person. Besides being aware of all the chemicals that can cause us problems, we must also pay attention to the things that try to steal our peace at home, and in our hearts too. Listen to this lovely prayer:

“And thus you shall greet him: ‘Peace be to you, and peace be to your house, and peace be to all that you have.’” 1Sa 25:6 ESV

     Peace is priceless! Our homes are supposed to be our sanctuaries against the invading chaos of this fallen world. We should be able to breathe, not only without those harmful chemicals in the air, but without strife and mayhem too. Today let me give you 10 things that might be trying to steal your peace, and some ways to eliminate them:

1- Clutter: too much of a good thing is just too much. I am speaking from experience here…but as Marie Kondo would say, only keep the things that bring you joy. If you have special memories, like from kids school projects, take pictures of them and then do something special with those photos, like maybe a collage. Still have all your child’s baby clothes even though they are out of the home already? Make a quilt or shadow box of your favorites. Let’s face it, if all this stuff is hidden away in boxes anyway, then why keep them? Honor the things that give you joy and give away, or toss out the rest. You won’t miss them, believe me…btw, anyone want some Disney globes and statues? Please let me know….

2- Disorganization: have you ever lost your religion because you couldn’t find the car keys? This goes with number 1 above, the less you have the simpler it is to organize, and keep things organized. Use the easy idea of “everything has a home, everything should be in its home.” I call them “homes” because it is the place where each item resides, so find a home for every single thing you own, and make sure if you use them, that they go back home before you go to sleep. This helps keep a peaceful environment because, first, things are neat when they are not out of place, and second, if you need the item, you and everyone else in your household knows exactly where to find it. For example, those lost keys I talked about, no more looking for them because they are exactly where they should be! Either hung on a wall or placed in a container, everyone will know where they are.

3- Too much tech: learn to take a time out from all technology. This has to be scheduled in to your day. Perhaps it is dinnertime or game night or just going out for a walk in the morning breeze. Whatever you decide, make it a daily habit and you will experience more peace. Some time away from the dings and chimes of our phones or tablets will do wonders for creating a tranquil time at home and within. Getting unplugged and detached from all the noise is so very vital for our inner peace too.

4- What’s that smell?: filling rooms with pleasant aromas can calm your mind and give you peace. I’m not really an essential oil expert, but I can tell you that certain smells do have a calming effect on us humans, so find whatever helps you and fill your room with them. Lavender is a favorite in our home. I now make my own air fresheners with distilled water and a mixture of different oils, instead of using those poisonous odor removing sprays. Get creative and add the sweet smells of peace to your environment. 

5- Nothing to laugh at: learn to add joy around you. Having things is your home that will bring a giggle to your day, or at least a smile to your face, is so important. As Proverbs 17:22 says, “A joyful heart is good medicine.” Laughter does everything from boosting our immune system and triggering the release of pain killing endorphins to burning calories and relaxing our bodies by relieving tension. On purpose, fill your home with JOY!

6- All Not Aboard?: Make sure everyone is in on the action. Age appropriate chores, teach that everyone is a contributing member of the family and have responsibilities to keep the home environment neat, clean and peaceful. Some tasks, like making the bed in the morning, should not be rewarded, while others, like taking out the trash or folding laundry, probably should be recognized as going above and beyond expected duties. Obviously this is up to the parents… yes, I said the parents, NOT the children! We are not helping our children if we do not show them that life requires that every single person has a role to play in the family, to keep everything running smoothly and peacefully. This gives them a growing sense of belonging, significance, self-worth, as well as consequences, both good or bad. Just like everything has a home and everything should be in its home, every person has a job and everyone should be doing their jobs!

7- Saying YES to everything: learn to just say NO, politely of course.There is a huge difference between being busy and being productive. Time is precious, my Friends, learn to put on your schedule only the things that are truly life giving. While we should be helping others, we do not have to be involved in every single thing that is going on. Sadly, it seems like the same people are always the ones doing most of the work. For your own peace, and so you don’t burn out then cause issues with others, set loving boundaries in the activity portion of your life. For instance, you can help out with a school event once a month, but not every week! This gives you a break, as well as encouraging others to step up and do their part. Add peace to your environment by knowing when to say “Yes,” and when to say “No.”

8- Background noise, all day long: learn to keep it quiet…at least, for a while. Noise can drown out our thoughts. I know in this current culture, many people are not comfortable with silence, but let me point you to the well-loved verse in Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God.” God will not compete with the loud, attention-grabbing noise of this world. It is simpler and better to connect with God when we are in a quiet area, on purpose, for a scheduled time. He will direct our thoughts, help us make sense of our emotions and straighten out our desires. And this will lead to a more peaceful environment and a more fulfilling life.

9- No time for God: you MUST schedule time with God, on purpose. As they say, if you do not mange your time, Time will manage you! While we are supposed to pray without ceasing, which means staying connected with God and talking to Him about everything, the truth is this is a discipline that must be learned, because it does not come naturally to us. So start by setting a time with God, daily, and deliberately. Everyone is different. For instance I am not a morning person, so early afternoon or at night is my  best time to connect without distractions. Give God your best time and see how much more peaceful your inner environment gets.

10- Read something: of course the best “something” you can read is the Bible! In addition, spending time reading whatever your heart loves can, not only educate you, but also relax and energize you all at the same time. Reading is sadly becoming a lost art, my Friends, but there is something almost sacred in sitting with a good book and getting lost within it. Whether digital or paper, and whether you enjoy biographies, SciFi stories or books that help you grow in your spirit, reading the thoughts of others will enhance your life in so many ways, adding peace to your mind and connecting you to others in your heart.

     My Friends, we have been talking about the second of the Seven Ripples of Life since the beginning of this year! The New You and Health Seekers areas of our lives are the most important one because, without being connected to God and beginning our spiritual journeys and being as healthy physically and soulfully as possible, the remaining ripples will be so much more challenging than they have to be. We will start with the next Ripple, “Affectionally Yours,” next month. When I am having any issue in that area, I find it essential to go back to these first two, and when I do, my peace and joy return so that I can continue to work on the rest. This makes my life more abundant than ever before. Do you want that too? Then won’t you join me? 

Until we meet again, keep lifting your eyes to God, He’s closer than you think.

<>< Peace, Diane