What We Were Created For

When we truly believe in something, it changes us. When we truly receive Jesus as Savior and Lord, He changes us from the inside out. Our heart is instantly transformed as we are given a New Identity in Christ- no longer are we called sinners, but now we are saints. Then our soul begins its transformation as we grow in Christ to think, feel and want what He thinks, feels and wants, more and more. Then finally, our body, our words and actions, display all this inner transformation because we begin to ACT like Jesus, more and more. As we act like Him, we ARE following Him. Belief changes us.

I love the Book of James. Listen to what he says in chapter 2, verse 19: “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.” You see, even the enemy knows who Jesus is…so what’s the difference between the enemy and we Christians? Even though he believes in who Jesus is, he would NEVER choose to follow Him! Again I say, a Christian is not someone who just believes in Christ, but someone who believes and follows Him. 

The only way to follow Jesus is to get to know Him. A great place to start this real relationship is to read God’s Word, where He reveals Himself. It is our choice. When we decide to actually follow Jesus, we are blessed, others around us are blessed and God is glorified…this is what we were created for.

<>< Peace, Diane