The truth is we are broken children, living in a fallen world with a real enemy that hates us because God so loves us. Because of this, we must understand that hardships will come into our lives…but as Jesus says we can take heart. Another purpose of prayer is to receive the comfort from our caring Father.
Just like a parent scoops up their child who has just fallen and scraped their knee, our Father wants to kiss away all our hurts too. As we pray and share our heartbreaks with the God who fully knows what that feels like, because He had to surrender His one and only Begotten Son for us, He will give us sweet comfort for whatever is hurting us. God desires to lift us up, to give us strength to endure, to lend His Wisdom so we can see beyond the pain…God wants to comfort us because He is our caring and loving Father.
Purposes of prayer:
1- Communication with our Father
2- Connection to our God
3- Correction from our Merciful God
4- Comfort from our Caring Father
<>< Peace, Diane