This concept makes complete sense, of course, but I only recently came across it. It is the difference between our lifespan and our health span. Our lifespan is how long we live in this world, and by God’s Grace, many people are living longer lives. But the question is: what condition are they in as they live longer lives? Are they vibrant, energetic and sound of mind? Or are they tired all the time, have several different diseases and need a wheelchair to get around?
The goal is to make our lifespan equal our health span, of course. A great example of this would be Moses, who at the age of 120, still had a sharp mind and was physically fit. Yes, God’s Grace has a lot to do with this, but when we make healthy choices instead of poor ones, we are working with God and this incredible body He has given us, instead of against it. I call these “life choices,” when we choose to obey God and follow His Will so we can be as healthy as we possibly can, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Life choices increase our health so that we can be healthy all the days we live on this lovely planet. Keep this in mind as we go through the next couple of weeks and talk about the things we can implement to optimize our health.
<>< Peace, Diane