Mental and emotional health involve very serious issues. They can be life-draining, potentially dangerous states of being, and a source of great heartbreak. We will talk about this a bit more when we get to the pillar called “Gut Health” because there is a direct link between our Gut and our Brain. And even though I still struggle with depression every now and again, I want to share with you the most powerful lesson I have learned: Jesus is my medicine, so I must take my Medicine daily.
Just like any prescription, if we are not taking it as directed, then it will not work. If we keep the pills in the bottle, then that medication will do us no good. It is the same here. If we keep Jesus to the side, if we keep our Bibles closed, if we do not seek Him daily (or really moment by moment), then our Salvation does us no good this side of Heaven.
When I start to feel down, I have learned enough to know, I have to take my Medicine. So I run to Jesus. I pray, read the Bible, listen to other preachers, I do whatever I need to do to get Jesus, my Medicine, inside of me…and HE changes everything!
Today’s tip: Take Your Medicine Dail
<>< Peace, Diane