5-31-21 Health Seekers: 10 Ways for a Life of Relaxation

Hi Friends,

     Even though the source of resisting the stresses of life is God Himself, let’s look at practical ways to implement His power so we can have a life of relaxation. Listen to this powerful verse:

“Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’” Mk 8:34 NIV

     Our nature wants whatever is easy, comfortable and pleasurable…but very often these things do not lead to the relaxing life we truly desire. It is a self-centered way to live which often brings dissatisfaction and problems instead, and so we must learn to deny ourselves. This means, when we automatically think, feel or want something, we must pause and check if this is God’s Will for us, if these things will give us peace and joy, if these will help us, or hurt us, in the long run. This is a key, of course. We fallen humans often focus on the “here and now,” and do not give too much thought to the lasting effects of the things we think, say and do. Yet this is where self-denial finds its amazing power. As we deny ourselves, we will tend to make choices, like those below, that will lead us to a more relaxing life. 

1- It’s not about you. One of my favorite books is by Max Lucado called “It’s Not About Me.” It is a very good reminder indeed to remember life does not center around you or me. God has always, and will always be the point and purpose to life. The more we understand this, the more relief we will have because it is not all on our tiny shoulders. We learn to discern which is our part to play, which God will not do for us, but also which is God’s part to play, that we cannot do. This takes the pressure off us, which automatically leads to a life of relaxation. This is a lifetime lesson that we should be engaging with every single day, with every single decision we must make…and the more we grow in Christ, the more we will shift our focus from MMI to God, and the result will be a more peace filled life. 

2- Give it to God, it’s His anyway. FirstPeter 5:7 is such wonderful and life-changing wisdom that, if we just begin to implement it, it can fill our lives with relaxation. It simply says, “casting all your cares upon Him, because He cares for you.” (NKJV) God loves you. And because He loves you, He has a good plan for your life. Any time you are tempted to take the reins, first remember number one above, and then remember God loves you and can be trusted. So whenever we have any thoughts, especially those that want to move us to worry or to figure out every detail of life, we must learn to run to God instead. We “cast” these cares upon Him when we pray about what we need to do, and what must let go of…then we have the space to receive His peace and remain relaxed as God does His part. A quick tip here is to pray the Serenity prayer…and mean it!

3- Be real. We must learn to love who we are, on the way to where we are going. Understanding we will have flaws and faults is part of that. We are not yet perfect in soul or deeds, but we are a work in progress. Don’t pretend to be someone you are not. That will only add stress to your life. This includes not comparing yourself to others. We are all lovingly unique. And we are all on our own individual journeys, growing at different rates. Be who God is creating you to be, and choose to enjoy the ride.

4- Cut yourself, and others, a break. This should not come as no big surprise but, no one, including yourself, is perfect. Why does God command us, yes command us, to forgive one another? Because one of the powerful things about forgiveness is it sets us free when we forgive. And often times, the other person is not even aware of the offense, or they have moved on already anyway. There is so much stress involved in holding a grudge, isn’t there? And my Friends, this includes forgiving ourselves for those flaws and faults too. When we sin, because we will, we must repent, turn to God and confess, but then we must receive His forgiveness which He is faithful to give us. When we do not forgive ourselves, we are placing ourselves above God, because if He is faithful to forgive us, then who are we not to do the same? Forgiveness is relaxing…so let it go!

5- Live, and love, on purpose.  I act a bit OCD at times, so I will actually place on my daily calendar when and who I am going to speak to on that day. In other words, I make an appointment to reach out and love on others on purpose. Making appointments to do things that are relaxing, whether that’s connecting with a good friend or just taking a walk along the shore, it is important to make these things important. We all know too well that time seems to escape us, so if it is on your calendar, then you should be more likely to actually do it. So along with all your other responsibilities, add this one: to add something life-enhancing to your “To-Do list”…you will be thankful you did.

6- Just breathe. One of the things that helped me survive throughout my daughter’s trials were the mental breaks I was forced to take. I would separate myself from the immediate crisis, often times hiding in the restroom because that was the only place I could be alone, then I would just breathe. I would take several minutes to center myself on God, on His Plan, on His Love, on His power…you get the idea…then I would emerge refreshed, relaxed and ready to deal with the next thing. Often we call these “mental vacations,” but whatever you need to do that will help you to stop, take a breath, remember God is still on His Throne, then proceed with Him, reconnected to Him, will bring you loads of peace and relaxation into the situation, into your life, and hopefully, into the lives of those around you too.

7- Margin time. We must learn to, not only plan ahead, but also to give ourselves enough time for the unexpected. Whether you are driving to work, heading for the airport or taking your children to their dance lessons, when we do not add margin to our schedules, we are only asking for more stress in our lives. Delays, detours and slow drivers are a reality in our lives, so make provision in our time schedule for these and you will be increasing the amount of relaxation you experience. As with everything in life, we must plan for the worst case scenario, but live with hope for the best. And if you get to where you are getting early, don’t forget to sit with God and give Him thanks.

8- Purge your home. Clutter and disorganization stresses us out, right? So a great way to reduce that stress is to clean, organize and purge your possessions. The more we have, the more we must manage. That takes time, effort, and sometimes, financial resources. I am not saying you have to become a minimalist…Lord, knows I am not…but when we have too much stuff, that stuff often has us too. So here’s another opportunity to let go…the truth is, we can live on little. Never forget, most of the world is forced to do this daily. So cut out stuff from your life and bring in more relaxation instead. 

9- Exercise time! A great way to de-stress is to exercise, aren’t you happy to hear that? But look at how God created us, to be active: there are 40 types of endorphins released from our brains when we are active. These chemicals lead to naturally relaxing us, as well as helping with any physical pain we might be experiencing. Exercise also improves the way insulin works in our bodies, helping us with insulin resistance and all the potential problems that can lead to, including other diseases and ailments. A life with less illnesses? If that doesn’t bring relaxation into our lives, I’m not sure what will?

10- Do I have to say it? PRAY, and pray without ceasing!!!!! Since God is the Source of all that is perfect and good, the level of relaxation, or stress, in our lives is directly correlated with the level of prayer in our lives. The more we connect to the One who is Peace, the more we will have, and sense, peace in our own lives. And one of the beauties of this is that peace is contagious. You really want to love your neighbor as you love yourself? Then don’t forget the greatest command: love God with all you’ve got. This includes spending time with Him in prayer. But not just five quick minutes before you start your day. Not just the half hour you spend reading the Bible. Not just the hour you spend worshiping Him with others at church. Pray without ceasing! That means whatever you are doing, wherever you may be, point your thoughts to God, He’s there anyway, and talk to Him about each thought, each decision, each emotion, and before each action. This is the goal of the Christian Life, to be like Jesus, who always was connected with the Father, and because of that, always did His Will. If the Prince of Peace lived this way when He walked this world, then you and I are desperate to do this too!

     My Friends, denying ourselves, turning away from our old, selfish person is a powerful way to invite more relaxation in our lives. The more we choose to grow in Christ, the more He will help us deny ourselves, and the more this life will be filled to the overflow with peace and joy. I know I want that. How about you? Then won’t you join me?

     Until we meet again, keep lifting your eyes to God, He’s closer than you think.

<>< Peace, Diane