University of the Holy Spirit

For those of you not familiar with the process of Sanctification, understand it is like going to school. As we “graduate” from one grade to the next, we have hopefully proven that we have mastered the subjects at that level and are ready to learn more, and do more, than at that lower grade. For instance, hopefully we have mastered the Alphabet in kindergarten before we move upward to first grade and are expected to write words. Or hopefully we have learned about adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing before we move on to algebra. You get the idea. It would be foolish to expect a first grader to handle the school material that a college student should. This is the same idea here. Of course, we cannot do any of this apart from our “Professor,” the Holy Spirit.

God is a most patient and generous Teacher. He would never expect us to live out a deeper Christian walk with Him, until we have learned what we need to learn to be able to do that…and so there are levels of maturation in being Sanctified. The more we grow, the freer we are from that Pride that keeps us from living this Abundant Life…and that verse in the Gospel of Mark is a major key to be able to do this. Have you figured out which verse I am referring to? Leave it below as we continue to hash this out…

<>< Peace, Diane