The real way to have this peace that surpasses understanding is to connect with God, spiritually, and with His help, work on our soul by capturing our thoughts. This is inside-out living vs outside-in existing. Our belief will influence our thoughts which will affect our emotions which will inspire our will which directs our actions which then give us results. I call this the Cascade of Life since one thing will lead to the next and then next, and so on. Again we humans focus on results we want, so we try to change our actions… this is outside-in existing… but we ignore the soul and spirit, so peace is only as temporary and limited as we humans are.
Let me give you a wrong example of how this can trip us up every time: if I want peace with my husband, but my belief is “you are not good enough” if my husband just happens to say something that triggers this lie, my emotions will turn south fast! Then I will want to separate myself from him, and worse, my actions will probably be to say something demeaning to him in return, which of course results in war in our home, which is as far away from peace as possible!
My beliefs that “I am not good enough” has influenced my thoughts that “Joe is trying to devalue me” which has affected my emotions that “I am offended” which has inspired my will that “I have to defend myself” which has directed my actions that “I will devalue him instead” which has given me a result that I did not want “war in my home instead of peace”! But what if I allow God and His Truth to change that belief? Let’s see how that changes things tomorrow…
<>< Peace, Diane