Stress Grow Us Up

Stress is actually a good thing for us, or our loving God would not allow it. Stress is meant to keep us both grounded and help us to grow up. Let me share with you a story about my Beckie that was an object lesson about this very thing.

There was a time when Beckie was very ill and could not even be in a wheelchair, she had to lay flat most of the time. During this period, I happened to notice that she was not requiring a larger size of shoes or clothing, which told me she was not growing. After several months, by God’s Grace, we were able to get this device called a “Supine Stander” to help make it possible for her to be in more positions other than just lying down. You can see a picture of one here, but basically you lie the person flat on the table, safely strap them in, then crank the table slowly to the upright position. After about a month or so of doing this therapy with Beckie, I again noticed her shoe and clothing situation…I immediately needed to buy her larger sizes, as she had a big growth spurt. Her physical therapist explained that the stress of the pull of gravity on her body actually helped her bones know to grow upward. Did you see the object lesson? The good and controlled stress of gravity helped her grow physically! 

It is the controlled stresses of life that actually help us stand firm in our beliefs, as well as help us grow in our Faith. I will say it again: stress is NOT the problem. It is what we DO with it that makes all the difference.

<>< Peace, Diane