The most powerful way to straighten out our home environment is… to read our Bible! You know I have too start here because, as I have been saying, Christians are supposed to be inside out people. That is, we begin in our deepest part, our spirit, with our connection to God, then let His truth lead the rest of us, as we talked about with the Cascade of Life. As we continue to grow by allowing God’s truth to become our beliefs, things in our home will get more peaceful because we are following the Prince of Peace.
Reading individually, and as a couple and as a family, is vital if we are to truly have a safe and secure home sanctuary. Why individually AND together? Individually because we are each unique humans. God will impress something in your heart that He might not show to your husband, for instance. Since you have not experienced every single thing the same exact way he has, what might be powerful in helping you grow, might not really mean much to him. So each person in the home must learn to have their own relationship with God through God’s Word, as well as through prayer.
<>< Peace, Diane