The truth about humanity is: no one is perfect! I know that sounds obvious, but when we live by the lie we talked about yesterday, we tend to forget this truth about ourselves. Sure it is easy to see “others” are far from perfect, but me?!? It is sobering to remember “no one,” includes me! In any conflict, there are always three sides to the story: mine, the other person’s and the truth somewhere in between. Conflicts are not the problem. The problem comes when we get so short sighted and stubborn that we refuse to even acknowledge there just might be another way of seeing things.
The truth is we need other different minded people in our lives. We need the potential conflicts this can bring. Why? Because it smooths our own rough edges. Like sand paper, the struggles we have in relationships are meant to transform us into more loving, peaceful, joyful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle and self-controlled people. Did you recognize it? That’s the Fruit of the Spirit and that is who God originally made us to be, to be like Him. And the more we allow others to help develop these amazing traits in us, the closer we come to the only solution…more tomorrow…
<>< Peace, Diane