The Only Solution

If the point to life is to love and be loved. If the blessing is to not be alone but have others in our life. If the curse is that we tend to view life through our own tiny perspective. If the lie is, because of Pride, we think our way is the best, and only, way. And if the truth is no one is perfect, what’s the solution? Forgiveness and compassion! First we must receive these from God towards ourselves, then we will have it to give to those around us. The two greatest commands after all are to love God with all we’ve got and love our neighbor AS WE LOVE ourselves. If we do not use mercy on ourselves, how can we use mercy on others?

Seek ye first God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness and everything else will be added to us. This includes good, healthy relationships. The more we allow God to humble us, the less we will only view life through our eyes. The more we allow God’s forgiveness to remind us we are not always right, the more we will be open to someone else’s viewpoint. The more we allow God’s compassion to penetrate our Pride, the more compassion we will show towards those around us. Then life will grant us a taste of the beautiful result God always intended…more tomorrow…

<>< Peace, Diane