Resolve to Change

Wow, a whole year talking about how Jesus can change every part of our lives, for everyone’s benefit! This is how He transforms us, from the inside out. And as I always say, the heart of the matter is always a matter of the heart, so let’s make a resolution to come to Jesus, to stay in His Word and to abide in His Love and Grace. God’s unending Love automatically turns into His Amazing Grace which is the only power in the universe that will help us grow up, to be more and more like Him. 

I will say it again, everyone benefits when we mature in Christ, we sense the righteousness God has granted us, others around us are blessed and are hopefully drawn into God’s Love as well, and God is glorified, reflected and magnified in and through us. This is the life we were created to live, and it is the only one that will ever truly and fully satisfy us.

<>< Peace, Diane