Choose to Be Brave

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We are talking about making good habits that will crowd out the bad ones in our lives. This starts, though, with admitting we have some bad habits, doesn’t it? You see, we cannot begin a counter-good habit until we own up to the bad ones we have allowed in our lives. Thus the next behavior Mrs Meyer talks about is the Habit of Being Responsible. We live in a “it’s not my fault” world. It began in the Garden of Eden as Adam blamed God and the woman He gave him, and Eve blamed that old serpent who deceived her. I often wonder what would have happened had these first two humans just taken responsibility for their poor choices. I mean they still sinned by being disobedient to God’s one command, but would the curses that sin brought on be less destructive? Probably not because this is the MMI nature. Pride causes us to refuse to admit that we are the ones with a problem that must be changed, and this denial only furthers problems instead of solving them.

Mrs Meyer often shares a humorous situation in her walk with God where she was praying for her husband, Dave, to change so she could have more peace in her life. One day, God whispered in her heart, “Dave is not the problem.” To which she quickly asked, “Well then who is because it is just him and me here.” LOL! But this is a great example of our oblivious nature when we live in the Flesh, with that MMI mentality. “Surely it is not me that has to change!” we say. Yet “me” is the only person we can change, and even for this, we need the help of the Holy Spirit. Change comes when we choose to take responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions. She says, “We all have things to face about ourselves, and it is a brave man or woman who is willing to do it.” (p118) So as we begin, or continue, on this journey to create the good, and godly habits, that will improve our lives, as well as those around us, let’s choose to be brave shall we? More tomorrow…

14 Good Habits

Behavior 1: The God Habit

Behavior 2: Thoughts, Words and Habits

Behavior 3: The Habit of Being Decisive

Behavior 4: Healthy Habits

Behavior 5: The Happy Habit

Behavior 6: The Faith Habit

Behavior 7: The Habit of Excellence

Behavior 8: The Habit of Being Responsible

2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club

January: The First & Best Book Ever: The Bible

February: Love Is In the Air: “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary Chapman

March: Spring Growth: “Secrets of the Vine” by Bruce Wilkinson

April: Living the Resurrected Life: “The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life” by Dr Charles Stanley

May: My Spiritual Mom: “Making Good Habits Breaking Bad Habits” by Joyce Meyer

<>< Peace, Diane