Looking Up Towards His Face

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The sweet reassurance that helps us be able to not only deal with whatever life throws at us, but also to be able to thrive in spite of any difficulties. That’s what God’s Glory grants us. Anyone can be at peace and filled with joy when everything is going our way. But we need a glimpse of God’s Glory in order to flourish and display the Fruit of the Spirit when things are not going our way. (Gal 5:22-23) Mr Lucado gives a powerful example of looking to his own earthly father during a very sorrowful event when he was very young. As the adults around him where shaken and mourning, he chose to look up at his father instead. From this experience, this author says, “At that moment I realized something. I could look around and find fear, or look at my father and find faith. I chose my father’s face. So did Moses. So can you.” (p21) You see what I mean about Mr Lucado’s simple yet profound words?

This life will offer many instances where we can quickly find fear. But just because fear presents itself, does not mean we must sit in it, and worse, allow it to consume us. We have the Father’s Presence always available to us, 24/7. Just like a young child who wakes up in the middle of the night because of a bad dream, and cries out for his daddy, we too can call on the Name of the Lord at any moment and be filled with His Glory. Because He IS Love, we will feel secure. Because He IS Almighty, we can feel relief. Because He IS Wisdom we can gain insight. Because of WHO God is, we too can call on Him, be filled with His Glory then reflect who He is. We can be loving towards difficult people. We can do all things in Christ Who strengthens us. We can make good and godly decisions that will bless us and those around us. All this because, like Moses, we desire to seek God’s Glory all day long. This is the Abundant Life, my Friends. Lift your eyes to your Holy Father and sit with Him a while. Unburden your heart and allow Him to fill you with His Glory. Then let His Light shine forth…

2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club

January: The First & Best Book Ever: The Bible

February: Love Is In the Air: “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary Chapman

March: Spring Growth: “Secrets of the Vine” by Bruce Wilkinson

April: Living the Resurrected Life: “The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life” by Dr Charles Stanley

May: My Spiritual Mom: “Making Good Habits Breaking Bad Habits” by Joyce Meyer

June: Spiritual Dad:  “It’s Not About Me- Rescue from the Life We Thought Would Make Us Happy” by Max Lucado
<>< Peace, Diane