The author of our book, Aiden Wilson Tozer, is still an incredible inspiration to many. His message centers around knowing God deeply and following Him closely…which is at the heart of my mission as well, and probably why I love this book. He was a self-taught man of God who pastored several churches in the US, then ended his tenure with a calling to a church in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He captivated audiences with his sincere words of his love for God, as he clearly presented the heart of the Gospel and what it means to be saved. He also began a weekly radio show which made him more widely known. As a result, He received several honorary doctorates. Yet, he is better known as an author of a good measure of books, of which this month we will be discussing one of his most beloved works called “The Pursuit of God- The Human Thirst for the Divine.”
My addition of this book has a chapter titled “Tozer’s Legacy” where you can get more information about the interesting and powerful life of this Brother-in-Christ. Here is a quote from that chapter, about this book and Dr Tozer’s heart: “Perhaps the continued usefulness of this book can be attributed to the writer’s great spiritual discovery that to seek God does not narrow one’s life, it brings it, rather, to the level of highest possible fulfillment.” (p6) Dr Tozer knew what too many in our day lack to even consider: life apart from God is no life at all. May we too develop a “thirst for the Divine.”
2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club
January: The First & Best Book Ever: The Bible
February: Love Is In the Air: “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary Chapman
March: Spring Growth: “Secrets of the Vine” by Bruce Wilkinson
April: Living the Resurrected Life: “The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life” by Dr Charles Stanley
May: My Spiritual Mom: “Making Good Habits Breaking Bad Habits” by Joyce Meyer
June: Spiritual Dad: “It’s Not About Me- Rescue from the Life We Thought Would Make Us Happy” by Max Lucado
July: Financial Freedom “Complete Guide to Money” by Dave Ramsey
August: Summer’s Soul Restorer “A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23” by W Phillip Keller
September: Covering Our Children: “Prayers for the Prodigals” by James Banks
October: Reformation of Our Hearts: “Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine” by Max Lucado
November: So Thankful To Be Chosen: “The Chosen 40 Days with Jesus Book One, Book Two & Book Three” by Amanda Jenkins, Kristen Hendricks and Dallas Jenkins
December: Emmanuel: “The Pursuit of God- The Human Thirst for the Divine” by AW Tozer
<>< Peace, Diane