The first thing I did with this FPU program was write a monthly working budget. I call it “working budget” because it actually works, IF I work to follow it, of course. This means I had to make a solid commitment to God’s Way of handling our money. Why? Just because we write out a budget on paper, doesn’t mean it will magically keep our finances in order. We have to actually work it out! This requires a commitment to keep to the numbers and line items we have written down on our monthly budget. Again, we have to follow the budget.
Think muscles here. We are all born with muscles, but we go to the gym to work them out, to make them stronger so we can be healthier and healthier. Yet if we buy a membership to the gym but never go? If we never use the machines to make us stronger? If we don’t follow the instructor’s advice? What good is any of it, right? Same idea here. If we go through the motions of writing out a monthly budget, but do not follow it, what good is it? We must commit to the monthly working budget so that is actually works for our benefit.
So what does a “monthly working budget” look like? First, it is written out specifically with the expenses of that particular month in mind. For instance, if we know we have a wedding that month, then we should put some funds aside for any expenses that comes with that event. But the following month, we are not going to include that expense because it was a one time thing. This is why a new budget should be written out, and if you are married agreed upon by each spouse, each and every month. Life rarely stays the same month to month, and our budgets should reflect this truth. So stay committed to writing out your income and outcome every month to get a greater sense of control…more on this tomorrow…
<>< Peace, Diane