To have and enjoy the Abundant Life requires a life that is willing to make sacrifices. That is for sure a part of this monthly working budget. Again, take my silly example from yesterday about those shoes that are on sale. We must be willing to sacrifice that item in order to stay within the boundaries of our budget, or risk getting completely out of control. It is almost like eating potato chips, you just cannot have one. If I compromise on this shoe purchase, what would stop me from compromising on other items? We have to decide that walking in financial freedom is so much more comfortable than the deal on those shoes!
Again, this helps us transform into the likeness of Jesus Who is God’s Sacrificial Lamb. Love is willing to give up the things it wants for the things that others need. We talked last week about being generous like God, but if we are not controlling our funds every month, can we fulfill this command? We must learn to sacrifice, but here’s the thing, we can write into our budget a clothes purchase line item, IF it fits into that month’s budget. So a budget is not restrictive as too many people think it is. So long as it stays within the limits of what you are bringing in, and if you are married both spouses agree on it, then feel free to get those shoes. I love shoes can you tell?! My point is, budgets free us, they do not imprison us…more tomorrow
<>< Peace, Diane