A Tool, Not A Goal

Every blessing God gives us is meant to come to us, so we can be blessed, but then go through us to others, so they can be blessed as well. This includes this next “ripple” I call Effective Finances. The Bible has a lot to say about what we should do with these treasures God grants us, and this ripple is all about learning how to manage our finances in a way that blesses us, helps others and honors the God Who gave them to us in the first place. (see Dt 8:18)

Every treasure is meant to glorify God and our money is no different. Surely we can honor God by giving our family a safe home to live in. By making joyful memories on a vacation with our family and friends. Or by providing an education for our children so they can go out into the world and make it a better place, but not always and definitely not only. Money is a way to show our gratitude, to grow in selflessness and to lead others to the Most Generous Father they will ever know. Finances is a tool, not a goal.

<>< Peace, Diane