Answer to What Stops Change

Ultimately the issue for all life’s problems is the same: Pride. I have said it once and I will say it a million times: Pride is the root of all evil. It keeps us from being the holy, children of God we were always meant to be. And why? Because it keeps the focus of life on Me, Myself and I (MMI), instead of on God.

Here’s what most people do not understand about Pride: it is a spectrum. Most of us think of Pride as complete arrogance, thinking you are better than anyone else, trying to force your will on others because you believe your ideas are the only ones that matter… and yes, this is most certainly Pride, but it is not the only face of Pride. Any type of thought that tries to convince you that you are inferior, not worth making the changes to your health that you know you need to make, is also Pride. 

As I mentioned above, Pride is anything that puts our focus on MMI…when all our thoughts center around ME; when all my feelings cater to poor, little ME, that no one really understands; when all my desires crave whatever will give ME that immediate pleasure instead of any future blessings…that is all Pride, and it is what keeps us from making the needed changes to our lives today, so that we could start working towards that future optimal health we desire, and deserve. 

Pride is not a godly character trait, and so it leads us away from God and leaves us open to the lies that make it difficult to receive His help to make the required changes. Pride fills us with lies that push us to think we have no value, so why make any effort? Pride fools us to feel like no one really cares anyway, so why bother? Pride twists the truth so that we desire only whatever is easy, comfortable and pleasurable, which usually moves us away from good health. Pride is evil because, it is based on the evil one’s corrupted nature. Like him, Pride is subtle. Pride is sneaky. And Pride can be deadly.

So if Pride is the answer to why we know what to do, but don’t do it, then what is the Solution? Leave your comments below and we will wrap this up tomorrow…

<>< Peace, Diane