Give It Away

We receive Grace in levels. “From glory to glory” the Bible says, as we grow to be more and more like Jesus. (see 2Co 3:18) The more mature we are, the more we live under God’s Grace. Once we receive Grace, though, what should we…

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Rest Now

At the end of chapter 4, Mr Lucado gives an excellent example of trusting someone else to save us as he talks about the Chilean miners who were trapped for two months underground. Like them, the…

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Merit System

We have it all backwards, don’t we? We do not need to work ourselves to the point of exhaustion to receive God’s Grace. God’s Grace sets us free from the false merit system we…

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So Very Tired

Mr Lucado begins chapter 4 called “You Can Rest Now” by reminding us of just how tired we all can get. Life’s demands seem endless and our energy is very obviously limited. He then compares us with…

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He Hates It

Sometimes this world of ours tries to diminish the wickedness of sin. We prefer to look at sin as merely making a mistake. We give excuse after excuse for why we act certain ways. We blame it on…

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We All Have

In chapter 3 called, “O Sweet Exchange,” Mr Lucado points us to the big contrast between our sin-less Savior and us sin-full humans. He reminds us of the pure holiness of Jesus, as he…

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