When this pandemic began, the first verse that jumped out at me, as well as so many other Christ followers, was 2Chronicles 7:14. Everything that has happened this past year PLUS, is a test. God is calling out to HIS people, who are called by HIS Name, to see what we will do. Of course, our Omniscient God already knows what we will decide, but do we, Church?…
It is way above my pay grade to say who goes where for all Eternity! That’s God’s part because only He knows every human’s heart. He has given each of us the Freedom to choose our own way. This is what the whole story of the Garden of Eden is all about! (See Genesis 2:8-9; all chapter 3) God gave Adam and Eve a choice when He…
The question should never be: does God love us? Yes, He loves us! See John 3:16 or just gaze upon the Cross if you are not sure. No matter who you are, no matter whether you have surrendered your life to Jesus or not, God always loves you…but He does not condone everything we choose to do. We can never mistake…
This country was founded upon the idea of Freedom for all. But Freedom goes both ways: we have the freedom to follow Christ…or not. I have often said that a Christian is not someone who believes in Christ…but someone who believes AND follows Him. As Christians, we are beginning to lose our freedom to be able to…
The first thing I want to emphasize clearly is that this is NOT about politics. As Christians, we should always be focused on Who is, and will always be, on the Throne, not whoever may be currently sitting in the Oval Office. This is all about our Faith and the Freedom to…
We will return to our discussion about the “Seven Pillars of Physical Health” next week. I would like to share with you some things the Lord is pressing upon my heart about our…
Hi Friends,
The Gut effects every other part of the body, as we have been learning. What we choose to eat makes a huge difference to our physical health. What goes into us, changes us, then leaves us either healthier or not. Listen to the words of Jesus…