Use As Directed

Mental and emotional health involve very serious issues. They can be life-draining, potentially dangerous states of being, and a source of great heartbreak. We will talk about this a bit more when we get to…

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We All Need TO Help

To truly live a fulfilling life, we all need to GET help, but we all need to GO help also. One of the greatest ways to lift our own spirits, to get out of our own little pity parties and to have a sense that life is good, no matter what is happening around us, is to…

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We All Need Help

We were never meant to go through this life alone, and sometimes we need someone who has been trained to help us get through the challenging times. There is nothing wrong with seeking professional help and, as Christians, there is a lot of help available for us if we seek it. We can turn to…

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Get Plugged In

It is good to be surrounded with others, but it is better to be surrounded by our Forever Family. Yesterday we talked about getting involved with others. In addition, we must make sure that those we are involved with are good, godly friends who will lift you up when you start getting down, and who you can lift up when they are getting down. Who we talk to matters. While we should be…

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Break Out of the Cocoon

We all know the effects of isolation too well I am sad to say. This past year plus has given us a new understanding of how devastating it can be to not be able to leave our homes and gather with others. Isolation leads towards those “death symptoms” we have been discussing. It moves us towards depression, anxiety, worthlessness, hopelessness, anger, bitterness and so on. But we do not HAVE TO…

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The Difference Between Hard & Challenging

Yesterday we talked about picking the harder path, but here’s another lesson that is very important: watch how words effect you. Many of the people I have coached end up saying the same thing, “Diane, this is just too hard!” I absolutely get that, but staying the same, is pure misery! We have to…

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Choose the Harder Path

We have been talking for the last couple of weeks about the power given to us by God, through our union with the Holy Spirit, because of the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf, to bring healing to our mental and emotional health. He guides us towards healing by…

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