As we choose to surrender ourselves, moment by moment, God will transform us so we will…
“D” stands for Deliver. The more we begin to confess, to think, speak and act more and more like Jesus, the more we will…
“C” stands for Confess. We are to confess this new reality in everything we …
“B” is for believe. As we accept this truth and spend time and effort thinking about it, this reality seeps into…
“A” stands for Acceptance…intellectually we admit that we need a Savior to save us from ourselves! From our selfishness. From our sinfulness. And from this separation from our God and Creator. We need to…
“A” is Accepting the Truth that we are selfish, sinful creatures who cannot…
As we said yesterday, God’s Plan for Salvation is simple…but that certainly doesn’t mean it is easy. A lot of the ways God wants…