Day 11 Bold Prayer

HI Friends,
Being a Christian requires us to be counter-cultural. Opposite from this fallen world, we are called to walk by Faith, not facts. When we decide to live our lives this way more and more, it is amazing how we experience what is happening around us. Instead of being fearful, we actually become grateful…and this honors our God and Lord. Let’s choose to believe first and then see. That’s, after all, what Faith is all about….

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Day 10 Bold Prayer

HI Friends,
Wouldn’t you agree that the power of Hope is an incredible thing?! It not only helps us to keep on persevering, but it honors God when we believe in Him for big, bold prayers. Please understand, our Hope is not based on this decaying, fallen world, but on our Perfect Jesus. Since we were not created for…

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Day 9 Bold Prayer

Hi Friends,
I would like for us to think about a couple of questions today: 1- Who is our king? 2- Do we truly believe God wants to heal us? and 3- Are we really willing to do what we must to receive God’s blessings? God’s Word is clear on what we must do then. Read 2Chronicles 7:14 and watch the video for more insight….

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Day 8 Bold Prayer

Hi Friends,
The Good News is that God loves each of us just the way we are AND He loves us WAY TOO MUCH to leave us in a broken state so He desires to continue to heal us so that we can have peace and joy no matter what is going on around us. Being transformed into His Holy Image is…

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Day 7 Bold Prayer

Hi Friends,
We all need a little stress to grow, physically and spiritually, but we get into all sorts of problems when we have TOO much stress. As we choose to trust God, Who is worthy of all our confidence BTW, we let go of stress and remain calm so we can do our best and trust God for the rest. Let’s keep praying…

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Day 6 Bold Prayer

Hi Friends,
Looks like the enemy is not too pleased with this mission God has given me! He has been doing his worst to discourage me, including crashing my website! BUT GOD! That phrase changes everything! Let’s keep praying and believing because, believing is a choice!

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Day 5 Bold Prayer

Hi Friends,
A big part of looking for the “silver lining” is choosing to have a grateful heart. It was a lack of gratitude that led to The Downfall back in the Garden of Eden, so it is only a thankful heart that will set things right again. This is the choice we must make with every decision we make: am I going to look at this choice through a heart of gratitude or not? Truth is there is always something to be thankful for…

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