As I mentioned yesterday, as long as the expense fits within your monthly working budget for that month, then you can feel free to use those funds for that expense. We always make sure we have enough funds in our plan so that…
To have and enjoy the Abundant Life requires a life that is willing to make sacrifices. That is for sure a part of this monthly working budget. Again, take my silly example from yesterday about those…
Self-control is one of the virtues of the Fruit of the Spirit, so as we choose to follow God in every area of life, we will be able to access this great attribute, and stay in control of our lives. Certainly finances are a huge…
The first thing I did with this FPU program was write a monthly working budget. I call it “working budget” because it actually works, IF I work to follow it, of course. This means I had to…
Several years after my Baby Girl went to be with our Lord, I had not started working yet and our household was starting to feel that tension financially. I was desperate to figure out how to continue paying our bills while I was still…
What we choose to do with our finances will not keep us from Heaven, and these decisions will not get us into Heaven either. Thank God, there is only ONE Way to be granted…
Who is lord and who is steward? This may seem like an antiquated way of understanding life, but in God’s economy, it still exists. God is the only…