“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” That’s Proverbs 17:22 and such an important choice to make with our children. We just cannot be…
No one likes to have to discipline their children when those children have made some really poor choices, yet if we love them, we have to, for their own good. (read Heb 12:4-11) Proverbs 13:24 is clear…
Way too often, our children can be just plain stubborn! They insist they know better and they refuse to listen to any wise counsel. They make choices that, sooner or later, they just might regret. Sound familiar? This is…
A huge component of Love is Freedom. Love never forces the one they claim to love to do this or that. Love will counsel. Love will direct. Love will urge and prompt and put hedges of protection around the loved one, but it will never…
This year, I have been walking us through what I call “The Seven Ripples of Life.” The idea is simple: once Jesus, The Rock, enters into our heart, He begins to transform each of these different areas as we grow to be more and more like Christ. We now find ourselves focused on…
The final purpose for sex is to point us higher. This lovely union is symbolic for a much more important, and eternal oneness with God Himself. Think about this: two completely different people coming together, because of love, to become…
God is a loving God who desires for us to sense pleasure in everything we do in life, including making love with our spouse. But let’s be honest for a second here, do we humans consistently do things if there is nothing enjoyable in it for us? No, God not only wanted us to be…