To be in the house of the Lord forever is to be in His Presence forever, and so delighted to be so. Listen to Mr Keller’s summary, “This theme has run all through our studies. It is the…
To live in the house of the Lord means to be utterly content with belonging to God. To receiving His Love and Grace and Mercy and Goodness and so on, so much so that we are…
Please don’t miss the wonder of God’s Providential creation in regards to sheep starting at the top of p158 of chapter 11. It is truly amazing how God has planned out all of life, to…
As I have said, life is meant to be lived by Faith. Trusting God is in control when things seem so very chaotic is where Faith finds its purpose, and shows up strong in our lives. The Truth is, when…
There are so many lessons and good insight into our Christian life from that last chapter that I can spend the rest of this month talking about it, so I really do…
I am able to glean a lot from this chapter because I tend to have the personality trait of a perfectionist. Anyone else out there have that too? If anything is off kilter just a little bit, it bugs me to no end. Or at least…
The Bible tells us that we have the mind of Christ. (1Co 2:16) Now whether we use it or not is a whole other story! It is only the Holy Spirit that can develop this mind within us, helping us to think like Jesus thought. But even as…