Change Is Hard

Habits are really difficult to break. They become ingrained in us so much that they become automatic. We don’t even have to think about doing them, we just do them, right? Now if they are good habits, that’s a very good thing indeed. But what if they are not good habits? What if they are detrimental to our health? What if they lead us away from that optimal health we really desire, and lead us towards poor health instead? Well, the answer, of course, is very simple: we have to change those unhealthy habits. And yet, just because it is simple, certainly does not mean it is easy, comfortable or pleasurable, does it?

Change is hard and it can be a bit scary too, because it often involves the unknown. We have to train ourselves to do the hard thing. We have to train ourselves to do the uncomfortable thing. And we have to train ourselves to forsake the immediate pleasure for the future blessing.

I ask us once again, we already know we need to change, so what keeps us from growing? What keeps us from changing those old, unhealthy habits? Once again, please leave your thoughts below, because I know I want to get to the answer to this dilemma, as well as seek a solution. 

<>< Peace, Diane