Change Your Vision

I could talk about the chemicals emitted from our couches, carpets, mattresses and so on and so on, but I hope you get the message. Chemicals are all around us and, while we will never be 100% free of them, the more we know, the better choices we can make to keep our home environment, and us, as safe as possible. We also purchased an air filter which we keep in the most used room in our home…we will probably be buying one for each room, as our funds allow. We have to do all we can to be as healthy as we can…but when all is said and done, our greatest safety does not come from a filter or different brand of shampoo. It comes from God. 

I am a firm believer that prayer can shelter and protect us from everything…if it is God’s Will. I know it is hard to understand, but sometimes, not protecting us, is part of His Plan. It still breaks my heart what my Angel Pie had to go through, yet would I be the strong woman of Faith that I am now apart from it? I am sure I would not. My Friends, none of us are going to be on this planet forever…and that’s a good thing! Remember Paradise is waiting for us. Why oh why would we want to be in this corrupt, fallen, broken world for any longer than God would have us here? Yes, do all you can to live as healthy as you possibly can, and enjoy it as much as you can, but do not hold on to this world white knuckled. Enjoy it, learn and grow, share and love…then be ready to move on. 

Learning to live life with open hands instead of clenched fists, is a huge part of Sanctification, and because I know where I am going after here, to be in the arms of my Jesus and to dance forevermore with my Beckie, I am letting go of this life more and more…and the increased amount of peace in my life is, well, very well worth it!

<><Peace, Diane