We are a triune being just like God, after all we were made in His Image, right? It fascinates me that the Tabernacle, and later the Temple, is an object lesson of this human trinity. Look closely at the picture below…notice the outer courtyard where many people could join, but then the Holy Place where only a few select had entrance, and lastly the Holy of Holies where only one priest, once a year could enter and be in the Presence of God. The outer court is our body, anyone near us could see it and interact with us physically. The Holy Place is like our soul, we allow only a few, more select friends, to share our thoughts, emotions and will with them. Then there is the Holy of Holies which is like our spirit or heart where only God can reside…IF we have surrendered our lives to him that is. This is where the Holy Spirit unites with our once dead spirit and we have the Presence of God within forevermore.
It is here in the spirit, our innermost, Holiest place, where The Teacher begins to teach us WHO we are, because of Whose we are. In other words, the Holy Spirit changes our beliefs, then together, as we capture every thought and bring it to Him, we begin to mature. We begin to hold on to the Truth that sets us free, as we let go of all the lies that try to keep us imprisoned. This prison is that old, fallen self we used to be, the lies we believed that influenced the wrong thoughts, which affected the self-centered emotions, which inspired the selfish will, which directed the self-absorbed actions, which gave us results we really did not want like loneliness, depression, anger, anxiety…fill in the blank! I call these negative reactions that result the symptoms of death…
BUT If we pour our energy onto developing our relationship with God everything else falls into place and even when things are difficult, or do not seem to go your way… well, we will wrap it up tomorrow with my favorite powerful verse. Can you guess what that is? Leave your comment below…
<>< Peace, Diane