Financial Freedom

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Well it’s a new month so we are going to start talking about a new book on our journey through the books that have made the biggest impact in my life to date, as we continue this “Book Club.”. Since we are celebrating our country’s freedom this month, let’s talk about a part of life, that might not be at the center of what is most important, but it certainly impacts every part of our lives. Let’s talk about our finances as we delve into the principles that can lead us to live a debt free life, where we are in control of our funds, instead of allowing them to control us. Maybe you have already guessed which author we will be spending July with by now. He is someone who shares all he learned the hard way, so that we can be free from the fear that money, or lack thereof, can sometimes bring with it. He went from having riches to going completely broke and turning to God’s Word for the answer to financial Freedom. Who is he? It is the charismatic Dave Ramsey and his extremely helpful book called, “Complete Guide to Money.”

Again I want to emphasize that money is not the most important area of our lives. But it can touch every part of our lives. We can suffer spiritually if we either do not have enough financial security or have too much and don’t know how to handle it all God’s way. (see Pr 30:7-9) Our health can suffer if we stress out about money. Our relationships can be negatively impacted by quarreling about money. And we might  not follow the right path in our occupation/vocation if we are chasing money, instead of seeking God’s Will. And so the key is to learn to manage our finances God’s Way. This is what Mr Ramsey teaches, and hopefully, what we will learn to implement as well. 

2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club

January: The First & Best Book Ever: The Bible

February: Love Is In the Air: “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary Chapman

March: Spring Growth: “Secrets of the Vine” by Bruce Wilkinson

April: Living the Resurrected Life: “The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life” by Dr Charles Stanley

May: My Spiritual Mom: “Making Good Habits Breaking Bad Habits” by Joyce Meyer

June: Spiritual Dad:  “It’s Not About Me- Rescue from the Life We Thought Would Make Us Happy” by Max Lucado

July: Financial Freedom “Complete Guide to Money” by Dave Ramsey

<>< Peace, Diane