Finding Our Sweet Spot

Trial and error is the best way for us to learn, did you know that? If we were only to succeed at every single thing we attempted, would we even appreciate any of it? No, we humans always use the hard way to learn anything and so, don’t be frustrated if it takes a while to find your Sweet Spot. Don’t give up on seeking your place in God’s Kingdom because life will never be fully satisfying unless you, as a child of God, are serving Him by serving others. When we find our vocation, it will be satisfying because it will help us live like we were always intended to live, beyond ourselves. 

As I have been saying, our vocations will help us serve God by serving others…did you see that? We were created for upward, then outward, so when we are serving God (upward) by serving others (outward), we are doing exactly what God originally had in mind for us to do. As I always say, everyone wins when we live life God’s Way: we sense the Abundant Life, others are blessed and God is glorified. Life gets really sweet, even in the midst of chaos and pain…more tomorrow.

<>< Peace, Diane