Have & Use Are Two Different Things

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As I said yesterday, pruning is the way God helps us focus on His Eternal Kingdom and think less about our temporary, worldly one. Again, these things may not be wrong, but they can keep us scattered, instead of focused. As God led me to close that class, I clearly sensed Him telling me, “Child, stop holding on to that which is no longer yours.” You see, these good things can occupy our time, energy and effort keeping us scattered, rather than focused on our growth which brings more of that Abundant Life we desire. 

Think of the difference between a light bulb and a laser beam. The bulb’s light is good, it brings illumination and keeps us from being in the dark, but it would be useless in something more serious like an operation, for example, right? A laser, on the other hand, can cut right through any diseased area and bring more health to the patient, yes? This is what God, our Divine Surgeon, is doing with us at this level. As He cuts away that which is no longer needed in our lives, He increases our spiritual health by opening us up to a deeper walk with the Holy Spirit. Then we will have more access to His Fruit, as well as the ability to use that Fruit.

So here’s a truth every born again believer must understand. Once we surrender ourselves to Jesus, we HAVE the Fruit of the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit brings it with Him. The Fruit describes God’s Character, after all, so the Holy Spirit cannot indwell us without His Fruit. Again, it is Who He is and it is who He longs for us to grow into also. So once we are sincerely His, we HAVE all the Fruit, all those wonderful virtues like patience, for instance, but whether we lean on the Holy Spirit in order to USE the Fruit or not, is a whole other story! 

The enemy so enjoys reminding us of who we used to be apart from Christ, so often, he will feed us a lie such as, “OH, I just have no patience!” and sadly, we believe it and act accordingly. Again, this is a lie because, in Christ, the Fruit is who we now are on the inside, it is our New Identity, and as we grow more in Christ, we reveal these virtues more. This is part of what this powerful book is talking about. The more mature we become, the more patient we will automatically be. 

An important key to remember is we are all works in progress. We are still becoming, who we already are, sort of speak! So next time that enemy tries to feed you this lie, “You are impatient,” ignore him, just open up the Bible to Galatians 5:22 and 23 and begin to read, aloud, who God’s Word says you now are in Christ…and see how quickly that old serpent flees! Here’s another one of my favorites James 4:7. Today spend some time with all these Bible verses, and I will see you tomorrow…

2023’s Got A Minute? Book Club

January: The First & Best Book Ever: The Bible

February: Love Is In the Air: “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” by Gary Chapman

March: Spring Growth: “Secrets of the Vine” by Bruce Wilkinson 

<>< Peace, Diane