It’s The Power for a Powerful Life

I started by confessing to you that I still have hard days…I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t. The truth is life is hard…but apart from God, apart from knowing Who He is and receiving His Love, life is impossible. But praise God that He is in the business of transforming the impossible to the possible. 

I am challenging each of you to make the commitment to read your Bible this year. If you read about five chapters a day, you will read the entire Bible in a year. I’m a slow reader and it only takes me about 20 minutes to do that…do you have 20 minutes to give to God? Or let me be more honest here, will you choose to carve out 20 minutes to give to God? We all have the time but what are we doing with it? Flipping through more useless FB posts? Watching more useless TV programs? Am I convicting you? GOOD! As a Bible teacher, it is not only my privilege to help you understand the Bible, but also to massage your heart so you’ll want to know the Bible! 20 minutes…we all can make that time…if we choose to. If we even begin to understand that we cannot live this life alone…because we were never meant to. 

Fear, anxiety, dread, depression, anger, hatred…all these come up and out of us when we are trying to live “our” lives alone…stop the cycle, at least in your own heart. Commit to reading the Bible this year and see how that changes your life and that of those around you…them commit again next year to do the same, and the year after that, and the year after that…this should be a lifetime commitment. The first time I read through the whole Bible, if I understood 5% that was a lot. It takes a lifelong commitment to come to understand God, But that’s ok because the Good News is: Jesus has granted us Everlasting Life…that’s plenty of time, don’t you think? Read your Bible!

Lesson: make the lifelong commitment to read your Bible because, knowing God changes everything, even if nothing changes! 

<>< Peace, Diane