More Reasons to Sleep Well

Lack of sleep can also cause chronic inflammation in our bodies. Because we are not getting the proper amount or type of rest, the cortisol levels in our bodies can be higher than normal, leading to this inflammation, which will effect every part of us. For instance, our immune system. If our immune molecules are so busy trying to fight all this chronic inflammation throughout our bodies, its response to outside, foreign invaders is lowered. This, of course, makes us more susceptible to catching some kind of infectious disease, like COVID.

This chronic inflammation can also lower the blood flow to our brains which can result in memory loss and other cognitive issues. There are actually many studies being done right now looking for a link between poor sleep and neurological conditions like dementia, and more specifically, Alzheimer’s. 

My goodness, I hope I am helping us see how vital it is to get a good night’s rest. If you’re still not convinced, let’s talk about our heart tomorrow…

<>< Peace, Diane