Moving Towards Humility

So I was going to move on to the pillar called Microbiome this week, but I can sense God working on me to go deeper into this “why we do not do what we know we should” thing. If Pride is what keeps us from doing what we know we should do, and Humility is the Solution, how do we move from Pride towards Humility?

As many of you watching, I have been struggling with this question for a long time. By God’s Grace, I have experienced many victories in this area, but every time we grow to the next level, we need to revisit these truths, and grow deeper, so they become more and more automatic in us. I can sense God drawing me upward into a new level of this Freedom from Pride that Jesus died to give us, and so, I want to get to the other side of it, where I can be free to do the right thing, without having to convince myself it is the right thing to do. My health…your health…is so important to God that He does not want us to stay caught in the same unhealthy habits that could make our lives here more difficult than need be.

If you will indulge me one more week, let’s focus on a really powerful verse from the Gospel of Mark found in chapter 8…can you guess which verse that is? I challenge you today to read that whole chapter, then leave a comment below as to which one you think will help us move forward into this New Freedom of a life of Humility.

<>< Peace, Diane