With God’s Word lighting up our feet and path, we can remain at peace and joy, no matter what is happening.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Ps 119:105 ESV
As we engage with the Bible, we can have confidence that our lives here will be abundant. This is what Jesus promises in John 10:10, right? He has come so we may have life, and have it to the full. Please notice that I have been saying “as we engage with the Bible.” If the lights go out in my home, but I do not “engage” with a flashlight, I am going to remain in the dark, right? It is the same idea with the Bible. There is an eternal amount of power in God’s Word, literally. But if it stays on the shelf? If we intend on reading it, but never get to it? If we casually read, but do not understand? If we begin to understand, but do not implement what we are understanding? Are you getting my point? For us to gain practical benefit from this Lamp/Light, we must make God’s Word a major part of our daily life. We must read, study and apply the Word to our every day circumstances.
Jesus said it best, of course. Mt 7:24-27 talks about this very thing. The Wise and Foolish Builders is not just a parable about rocks and sand! It is talking about the path of our entire lives. If we want to have solid and steady paths to walk on, then we must learn to practice what this Lamp/Light shines forth into our hearts as we engage with God’s Word. But if we keep that Lamp/Light closed, then it won’t shine, give clarity or help us with anything. We will remain in the dark and wonder, “Where is God?!” My Friends, please make it a habit to engage with this Lamp/Light or your path will be as obscure as trying to get around during the blackest of black outs.
<>< Peace, Diane