Not Seeking Pleasure Only, But True Blessings

Easy, comfortable and pleasurable. These are the three things our old, fallen nature seek after. But let’s be honest, chips, chocolate and cookies, these do taste good and give us a jolt of pleasure…but of course, eating them way too often is not good for us at all. 

That old saying is true though: a moment on the lips could be a lifetime on the hips…unless we change our ways, that is. And this is my point. Knowing that we have to change is only part of the issue…actually changing is the only thing that is going to give us good results. Change requires stoping things that are harmful to us, but also adding things that are beneficial for us. 

So think about this question: are we forsaking a future blessings for the temporary, present pleasure some of these foods may grant us? An occasional slice of birthday cake, or even once in a while enjoying some pizza is not what trips most of us up. It is the unhealthy habits we have created where we indulge in some pleasure enhancing foods on a daily basis that adds up to our poor health.

Again let’s wrestle with this idea: what keeps our focus on the immediate pleasure that we are seeking instead of working towards that optimal health we know is best for us? Leave your comments below so we can try to figure this out together.

<>< Peace, Diane