Our Microbiome & Their Fragile Environment

I am going to point you to the disclaimer in the description below every day this week, because I do NOT want to hear, “Well, Diane said I should get off my medications.” That is NOT what I am saying…read below

But what I do want us to understand is that these chemicals were not meant to be in our bodies, and in most cases, certainly not for the rest of our lives. If you have a crisis, use them, but then work with a doctor to find the ROOT CAUSE and fix it, and then to wean off of the meds, if possible, and as soon as possible…and the truth is, in most cases, it IS possible IF…

If you will commit to making the lifestyle changes required to heal the root cause and be able to get off of the medications. Here’s the reality, for most health concerns, it did not take one or two days to develop them, so it will not take one or two days to get rid of them. This requires, and I am preaching to myself more than any of you out there, it requires commitment, time, energy, endurance, obedience…and so on, so be patient. We need to not only work with our doctors, but of course, we need to work with our Divine Physician also, to be as healthy as we can be!

We are talking about our Microbiome this week and the sad issue is, most doctors never do talk about it. Medications are devastating to these helpful, secret inhabitants. I said several times that, when we mess with our inward environment through damaging foods or foreign chemicals of any kind, including medicines, we are messing with this fragile world of our Microbiome too, and that can lead to all sorts of havoc within us. But is it “easier” to just pop a pill, then to do the right things? These are questions we need to ask ourselves, but we shouldn’t be surprised when, later on, we get side effects and end up with more problems than we started with. Yes, praise God for medicines, especially if you have a serious health crisis, but my Friends, let’s learn to use medications to our advantage, instead of as a crutch.

<>< Peace, Diane


I remind you all that I am NOT a doctor…but I am a pharmacist and so, medicines are kind of my forte. But I am not here to diagnose anything, and I am certainly not here to tell you to stop taking your prescriptions…actually the total opposite, hear me: DO NOT STOP your medications without consulting your doctor…but if your doctor is not interested in helping you get off your medications, then perhaps it is time to find another doctor.