Saying NO to Jezebel

The Abundant Life…John 10:10 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible because it talks about the amazing life Jesus died to give us. It simply says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (ESV)

Part of this Abundant Life is the tension we should be feeling every day as a Christian. This tension involves that Pride versus Humility we talked about last week. Pride is based on the enemy’s fallen nature which he is still trying to force upon us, even after being Born Again. While our old nature has been crucified in Christ, we sadly still struggle with that downward pull of the power of sin, which tries to resurrect that old self. As they say, “We believers are dead to sin, but sin is not dead!” I hate to say it but that old sinful nature still has some power, and if we are not aware of this inward struggle, that “old person” will trip us up all the time. 

I call my old sinful self, Jezebel, because she is one of the most evil women in the Bible. Giving “her” a name helps me to put distance between my old self, which is still dying, and this New Creation woman of God I am still becoming. Part of Sanctification, growing in Christ, becoming more mature, is being able to discern between Jezebel’s voice and my voice. So when Jezebel begins with her, “How about we go out and get some ice cream?” OR “Why don’t we just skip the treadmill and sleep a bit more this morning?” OR whatever other easy, comfortable or pleasurable thing she is trying to reawaken in me so that I can live like I used to, in that Prideful, MMI-centered way…I have to be connected to the Lord to have the power to say, “That is not what is best for me…that is not who I am anymore…so NO!” and I have to mean it because, as I mentioned last week, Pride is subtle, sneaky, and deadly! It moves us towards doing the things that will move us away from optimal health in body, soul and spirit. 

The truth is I can only have that kind of strength as I am connected in spirit and mind with God because then I can deny myself…more tomorrow, but if you haven’t guessed the verse in Mark’s Gospel yet, that’s a big clue…leave your thoughts below and I will reveal it tomorrow…

MMI= Me, Myself and I

<>< Peace, Diane