Solution to What Starts Change

Do you understand the value of your body? How about your mind? What about your life? Here is what I want us to take away this week: the truth is, apart from Christ, we don’t have any worth, but my Friends, if you are a born again Christian, if you have surrendered your life to Jesus, then you are NOT alone anymore. The Love of God, through the sacrifice of the Son, with the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit, has connected you forever to God. He gives us worth. He has chosen to love us, not because of who we are, what we have or what we have done, or not done…simply because He is Love and has decided to love us, to draw us to His side, to pursue us in every possible way. All He asks is that we humbly, lift our hand to Him and receive this incredible gift of Salvation. Then He imparts to us righteousness, and we are forever united to Him. We have worth because we are united with a God Who is more than Worthy.

One of the ways that we can begin to return this amazing love to God is by being as healthy as we possibly can be. So the next time Pride tries to lie to you by saying, “No one cares about you, why bother changing?” STOP these thoughts! You remind yourself of the truth: God sees you, God knows you, God loves you! And because of His Love, we are worthy to change these habits and work towards optimal health. As we make these improvements, we will sense the value of our bodies. Our minds will be priceless. Our lives will be powerful examples of what the Love of God can do in any human heart.

As we live this Abundant Life, glorifying God and loving one another, that Pride loses its power over us. If Pride is the problem, the root of all evil, then Humility is the only Solution. Humility is the very nature of God, and so, Humility is at the root of everything that is good. Humility reminds us that we are not vital or pivotal, but we are extremely important to God. The more we understand how much value God places on each of us, the more we receive His Love, the more we should be humble…since humility is the only cure for Pride, the moment we become humbled by His Love is the moment we will begin to make these changes that will lead to a healthier life.

Let’s keep our eyes on God, on His Love, and let Him be our motivation for eating well, keeping hydrated, being more and more active, and getting a good night’s rest. Do all things for HIM, because He is more than worthy of all our efforts to be as healthy as we can be.

<>< Peace, Diane